Get Involved
There are many opportunities for getting involved in our parish; some of which are listed below. Your contributions in terms of time and financial assistance in support of the Parish and its charities would be most welcome. We operate a Gift Aid Scheme with three different ways of contributing (if applicable) – via Standing Order, weekly envelopes, or cash donations.
Please contact the Parish Office (01708 449914) for further details, or in order to contact any of the Representatives named below.
Eucharistic Ministers - Hilary Wraight
Readers - Jo Hill
Altar servers - Serge Bosson
Catechists - Amanda Hind
Holy Communion - Amanda Hind
Music Ministry - Scovia Nabukenya
Evangelisation - Fr Adrian
Study Days / Faith Evenings - Fr Adrian
Family Masses - Fr Adrian
Social / Charitable Events
Fundraising and events volunteers - Hilary Wraight
Brentwood Catholic Youth Service -
Coffee Morning (after 9am Mass) -
Anita Palmer
Catholic Women’s League - Hilary Wraight
Wider World
Food Bank Hilary Wraight
Catenians - David Adams
Missio - Betty Smith
CAFOD - Hilary Wraight
Catholic Clothing Guild - Hilary Wraight
Live Simply - Hilary Wraight
Caritas Jerusalem - Fr Adrian
Calais Light - Karine Slemmings
Gift Aid - Gwen Button / Alan Goff
Repository - Joan Thomas
Flower arranging - Barbara Sillett / Anita Palmer
Hall cleaning - Mary Opoku Clementina Sode
Church cleaning - Katy Hoare
Safeguarding - Betty Smith
Cake making - Parish Office
Stewards Paul Murphy
Gardening - Parish Office
General Maintenance skills - Parish Office