Live Simply

At the second meeting of the Live Simply group held on 14th January our Action Plan was drawn up and the team is working hard to set it in motion.  It will cover Living Simply, Living Sustainably with Creation and Living in Solidarity with the Poor.  We have a meeting planned on Tuesday 24th March at 7pm with Debbie Lee, a representative from Havering Council to discuss recycling locally. 


With this in mind, we are able to recycle plastic milk bottle tops which are re-used to make toys and equipment, and the money generated from this supports the Air Ambulance.  Only milk bottle tops are acceptable (and they must be washed).  These can be placed in the cylindrical bin in the hall, or in the marked tub on the windowsill in the church porch.

We now have two bins in the hall with one clearly marked for recycling (please use orange sacks). The black bin is for general rubbish.

Watch this space for further information.

Live Simply Action Plan

Afternoon Tea

Elegance came to Gidea Park on Saturday 7th December when the Catholic Women’s League hosted afternoon tea to raise money for Caritas Jerusalem. The event featured bone china tea sets, dainty sandwiches, home made savouries, cakes and scones. The fare was well received and supported by the parish and four CWL sections. Nearly £1000 was raised. Thank you to all who contributed by giving time, providing food, donating prizes and supporting the event.


Insight to Palestine


Insight to Palestine Tuesday 26th November 2019

 As part of our on-going support for Caritas Jerusalem the parish hosted an information evening to discover the reality of day-to-day life for the indigenous  population of  the West Bank and Gaza. Around sixty people attended from Gidea Park, surrounding parishes and some other Christian denominations. The talk included an historical context and a Christ-centred perspective. Guests were able to ask questions and enjoyed a light supper with Middle Eastern theme. There was a desire to learn more about the situation and to support the plight of Palestinians by raising the profile of the issues within our community.

Year of the God who Speaks draws a crowd

One hundred and twenty people gathered to hear Fr Nicholas King SJ, internationally known as a Scripture scholar and Bible translator, who spoke about ‘the Scriptures in Advent’ at the church of Christ the Eternal High Priest in Gidea Park on Saturday 23rd November. This was the second event of the Year of the God who Speaks, and once again it was held in the church due to the large number wishing to attend.

Fr Nicholas stressed the need to listen to the God who speaks to us. He provided a list of all the Scripture readings to be read in Advent 2019. He explained the prominence of the book of Isaiah in Advent, and how other Old Testament readings are matched with excerpts from the infancy stories of Matthew and Luke.

Video of the first study day, when Fr Adrian spoke about the book of Genesis, is already available on

Video of Fr Nicholas’s day will be available shortly on the same website. 

On 15th and 29th January 2020 at 7 pm, Fr Adrian will speak about the Gospel of Matthew (the Sunday lectionary gospel for 2020), and on Saturday 29th February from 10.30 Fr Victor Darlington, lecturer at St John’s Seminary, Wonersh, will take as his theme ‘John among the Gospels’. Please book for these events by email to

Banana tree comes to Gidea Park


A banana tree has been planted in the parish garden at the Church of Christ the Eternal High Priest in Gidea Park. Robert, Alan and Gwen made sure it was properly planted and given plenty of mulch. It is hoped that with tender loving care and a few layers it will survive the winter. It was a gift to Fr Adrian’s brother. Fr Adrian said: ‘We are very grateful for this great addition to the plants in the garden. The large leaves remind me of the story of the garden of Eden. Who knows, it may even bear fruit!’

Parish Partnership


In 2016 Bishop Alan set up the ‘Stewards of the Gospel’ with eighty or more people representing their parishes at diocesan level. A Vision Document was produced and one of the outcomes of this document was the formation of about thirty parish partnerships throughout the Diocese.

As a result of this, Gidea Park has been linked with three local parishes, namely Romford, Collier Row and Harold Hill. We meet on a regular basis and are discussing ways forward for our individual parishes to work more closely together. You may have seen the parish partnership newsletter distributed recently.

We have arranged an Open Day for July 4th 2020 for the parishes to acknowledge and to celebrate our commitment to this partnership. More details as the date approaches.

Maggie Williams
Steward of the Gospel in Gidea Park

Live Simply


The Live Simply initiative was set up ten years ago by CAFOD (the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development). It received an added boost in May 2015 when Pope Francis issued his encyclical letter on ‘care for our common home’ entitled Laudato si.

Through this initiative we are invited to live more simply, sustainably and in solidarity with those less fortunate than ourselves.

The parish of Gidea Park has now registered to work towards receiving the Live Simply award. At Masses on Sunday 20th October representatives from CAFOD helped parishioners understand what Live Simply is all about. On Wednesday 23rd October Chris Driscoll from the Basildon CAFOD office explained more and Hilary Wraight will now lead this process.

Please put the evening of 14th January 2020 in your diary and come to our second meeting to join the enthusiasm of those who have already expressed their commitment. All ideas and from all age groups always welcome!

Thank you to all who attended the meeting on Wednesday 23rd October and for all those who could not attend but expressed an interest. We are now registered. Let’s start by looking for at least one fair trade item to buy this month and check Havering website for recycling and reusing ideas. For more information check Live Simply or contact the Parish Office.

Two Gidea Park Parishioners Reach Ripe Old Age

In the last few weeks two parishioners of the parish of Christ the Eternal High Priest at Gidea Park have reached the age of 102.

Kath Sims, active in the parish in the RCIA and especially the May Fair, and long-time leader of the Ladies’ Guild, reached 102 on 14th September. Mass was celebrated for her on her birthday and Kath celebrated with a party in the hall.

Pat Hurley, 102 on 22nd October, was also heavily involved in the parish, particularly in the preparation for First Holy Communion and in the SVP Society. She was also a teacher, a councillor and a magistrate. Mass was celebrated for Pat, and she attended the Parish Lunch Club where she received presents and blew out the candles on her birthday cake.

International Lunch

A very large gathering of parishioners from so many nations got together at our recent International Lunch. At Sunday Mass we had celebrated the Canonisation of Saint John Henry Newman, and we followed this with a celebration of the international parishioners of Gidea Park. 

There was such a delicious plethora of meals from so many countries such as Italy, Peru, Sri Lanka , Nigeria, Philippines, China, Mexico, India, France, Zimbabwe, Colombia, Scotland and, of course, England and these all just highlighted the rich diversity of our Parish.

Thank you to everybody working behind the scenes for all your very hard work, which contributed to making the day such a pleasure, and thanks to everyone who came for your enthusiasm, generosity and time. You were all amazing!

Menu - Countries & Dishes [PDF]

Bishop Alan Launches Year Of God Who Speaks

Bishop Alan Williams travelled to Gidea Park parish on Saturday 12th October to inaugurate the Year of the God who Speaks, in the presence of about one hundred people. The Year, promoted by the bishops of England and Wales, is intended to encourage greater love of and familiarity with the Bible. Bishop Alan spoke of how we receive the Word of God and its potential to transform our lives. He also very appropriately prayed a prayer of St John Henry Newman.

Fr Adrian Graffy, parish priest of Gidea Park, then introduced Mr Jon Harris, who was responsible for the revamping of the evangelisation website The website contains a rich archive of study days and talks given both at Brentwood Cathedral and in Gidea Park over the last ten years. The website is due to carry all the study days and talks which take place during the Year of the God who Speaks. Jon Harris is the director of Wild Goose Ventures, which includes many projects to help Catholics in the development of websites.

Fr Adrian subsequently gave two sessions entitled ‘Beginning with Genesis’. He spoke about the nature of the early chapters of Genesis, and explored in detail chapters 2 and 3, with their stories of the creation and of the expulsion from Eden. He noted the present relevance of Genesis to the care of creation in a time of crisis, and to the issues of human responsibility and defence of the truth. Questions followed, and the participants were able to purchase copies of the newly released Revised New Jerusalem Bible. A fantastic team of volunteers helped make the day run smoothly, and Mr Paul Samuels of Saints Peter and Paul, Ilford, generously gave up his time to film the event.

Please go to for the full programme of events in the Year, and also to listen and see again all the events as they happen.  

 The next event will be a study day to be given by Fr Nicholas King SJ on Saturday 23rd November on ‘The Scriptures in Advent’. Bookings to or to the parish of Christ the Eternal High Priest, Gidea Park, on 01708 449914.